You record a macro by using the Host Terminal wizard as you navigate through host screens using a live host connection. 您使用HostTerminal向导来记录一个宏,使用一个动态主机连接在主机界面之间导航。
After the pointer to the OVERLAPPED structure is returned, the CONTAINING_RECORD macro can be used to obtain a pointer to the extended structure. 当得到了指向OVERLAPPED结构的指针以后,可以用CONTAININGRECORD宏取出其中指向扩展结构的指针。
If you choose to record a macro, your user name is saved in the Description property of the macro and as a comment in the code when the macro is initially created. 如果选择录制宏,您的用户名将保存在宏的说明属性中,并在初始创建宏时作为代码中的注释。
You cannot record a macro to a locked file. 无法将宏录制到锁定的文件。
On the tools menu, point to macro, and then click record new macro. 在“工具”菜单上,指向“宏”,再单击“录制新宏”。
You cannot record over a macro that is open for editing. 无法录制已打开编辑的宏。
If you record a macro and save it using the name "auto_open", the macro will run whenever you open the workbook that contains the macro. 如果您录制一个宏并用“autoopen”这一名称保存它,每次您打开包含此宏的工作簿时,它都会运行。
If you make a mistake when you record the macro, corrections you make are also recorded. 如果您在录制宏时出现错误,则所做的更改也被录制下来。
With hotkey support, you can record and run a macro from any application. 使用热键支持,您可以记录和运行宏从任何申请。
Secondly, the detailed steps about how to record, modify and run a macro ( a program written in VBA) were provided. 然后具体说明宏程序(用VBA编写)的录制、修改和使用的详细方法。